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Case story

Injury Level: T12-L1

Surgery Age: 40

Surgery Date: DEC 30, 2021

    Before the spinal cord stimulation surgery, the patient had undergone three years of rehabilitation. Due to the loss of sensation in his lower limbs, he required the use of two quad canes while walking. His walking like penguin waddling gait. His body posture should be upright with slightly open and bent feet to support him, but It’s easy to fall down on uneven surfaces. While he managed most activities of daily living independently, returning to work remained difficult.


    After the spinal cord stimulation surgery, he felt more sensation in his lower limb. During our rehabilitation program, we enhanced his gait and trunk control through the "FREE WALK" device. Now, he can ambulate with the crutch independently, his walking speed has notably increased compared to pre-surgery, no need to worried about the problem of falls.

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