Spinal cord stimulation
Spinal cord injury (SCI) usually leads to disconnection between traversing neuronal pathway. The impairment of neural circuitry and its ascending and descending pathway usually leave severe SCI patients with both motor disability and loss of sensory function. In addition to poor quality of life, SCI patients not only have disabling respiratory function, urinary retention, impaired sexual function, autonomic dysregulation but also medical refractory neuropathic pain in the long-term. Currently, there is no available effective treatment for chronic SCI.
In this proposal, we plan to examine the plausible interventional mechanisms underlying the effects of epidural spinal cord stimulation by using electroencephalogram (EEG) and EMG. Following the identification of biophysical marker of spinal cord stimulation, we may design individualized stimulation parameters, precision medicine in neuromodulation, for chronic paralyzed subjects due to severe SCI. Along with multi-modal physical rehabilitation, the targeted stimulation strategy may facilitate their voluntary control and function of over ground walking and even stepping for some. These progresses will lead us into a new hope to help SCI patients to walk and regain their independent life and dignity again.